l a i a s o l e
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Freedrawing, 2021-ongoing
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Projecte en curs que explora la relació entre el pensament gràfic i la pràctica del caminar. La ciutat com a camp expandit del dibuix i del gravat està plena de rastres i empremtes. Guiada per una economia del traç i una ecologia visual, i també per la necessitat de convidar allò inesperat i incert a la pràctica al taller, surto a buscar allò que "ja està dibuixat" i ho fotografio.
On going work exploring the relationship between graphic thinking and walking. The city as drawing and printmaking in the expanded field is full with traces and prints of unknown. I go outside the studio looking for that which is already drawn, guided by an economy of trace, a visual ecology, and also by the need to invite that which is unexpected and uncertain into my practice.